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Medically Supervised Weight Loss: A personalized approach

Medically supervised weight loss programs are not new. They have been around for a long time. In fact, medical weight loss clinics are booming now due to the recent buzz around medications like Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy because they helped people lose weight. The problem with some weight loss programs is the lack of individualized care plans. In my clinical practice, a recurrent theme I find during my initial consultations is many have tried weight loss programs before and lost weight but have since regained the weight and added more weight. I have also noticed that those that regained the weight were prescribed a generic diet and exercise plan. Some are told to eat certain foods and only those foods. Some are prescribed protein shakes and bars. Some are prescribed medications. People lose weight but have trouble keeping the weight off.

Weight loss is difficult. There is no doubt about that. But maybe it is time to spend time looking at the root cause of the weight gain rather than treating the weight gain or reducing a number on the scale. I recall treating two siblings for weight loss and were prescribed different treatment plans. One of them asked, "how come I don't get what she got?" My response to my client was "Because there is no one size fits all to weight loss".

This is why our consultations start with fasting bloodwork. By the time you see us in clinic, we have a good idea of potential barriers to your weight loss goals. Here are a few things we look for on your lab results.

  • Hormonal imbalance: This is a huge one particularly in women. Although hormone imbalance can occur at younger ages, it is more prevalent in perimenopause/menopausal women. Women often complain that they lose weight but reach a plateau and are not able to lose more weight. Some don't lose weight at all.

  • Micronutrient deficiencies: Our bodies need nutrients to function. These include B12, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium and many others. A poor diet like the standard American diet lack these vital nutrients and should be part of any weight loss plan.

  • Insulin resistance: This is very common. We go beyond checking your A1c. A1c tells us if your blood sugars have been elevated and if you have diabetes. We also check your fasting insulin. If this is high, you may have metabolic syndrome, or prediabetes or diabetes.

  • Thyroid dysfunction: The thyroid gland is a huge part of our metabolism and ability to lose weight. If the thyroid gland is not functioning optimally, it can cause weight gain among many other symptoms.

  • Food intolerances: Food intolerances can cause symptoms of bloating, gas, constipation. When we eat foods that are not well tolerated, our bodies can react to these food that may cause things like insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction. These can all lead to weight gain.

  • Anemia: low iron, b12 and folate can lead to anemia. This can cause you to feel tired. When you are tired, you may not be as active as you'd like to be.

  • Medications: While medications are meant to be therapeutic for many treatments, they may have side effects of weight gain. Ex. some antidepressants and steroid containing medications.

We pay special attention to your body composition.

The body composition scale helps reveal body fat mass, lean muscle mass, and body water. As our clients progress in our program, they are able to see the change in their body composition sometimes even before they see the weight change on their scale! Our clients appreciate their ability to see their uniqueness and they appreciate the progress they are making in their weight loss journey.

Lastly, throughout the program, we are working with you to discover lifestyle choices you can add or remove to help you keep the weight off. For example, people often think they need to spend hours in the gym working out to lose weight. This is not true. Simply adding a good exercise routine into your schedule can go a long way. This can be as little as 10 mins, 20 minutes. The key is to be consistent. A client developed a habit of walking everyday. She didn't realize how much she enjoyed walking. Walking allowed her to reset, clear her mind, relieve stress, and improve her energy level. Now she can't start her day without walking!

If you are ready to start your journey to optimal wellness with our weight loss program, contact us today to schedule a consultation. You can do this! We look forward to seeing you soon!



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4200 Lake Otis Pkwy, Suite 303 Anchorage, AK 99508

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